Laüra Hollick | the perfect mistake

the perfect mistake

July 6, 2008

‘The Perfect Mistake’, Collage created by Laüra Hollick using photos from magazines.

As you are growing and evolving into a grander version of yourself do you feel like you are making lots of mistakes? I know I am!

This is a good sign, really it is. When you enter into new territories and expand yourself, you enter into the unknown. By its very nature, the unknown is ‘unknown’, so while you are getting your barrings you might feel clumsy in this new space, and that can breed the feeling of mistakes.

Rather than running for the hills and shrinking back to where you were before, since mistakes are embarrassing and uncomfortable and avoiding them would be easy, let’s explore what mistakes really are….

Mistakes according to the dictionary are: an incorrect idea; an error in judgment

I’d like to share a story with you which might give a new perspective on mistakes.

Two years ago I decided that in the summer of 2008, I wanted to do a nude photoshoot as a symbolic gesture to mark my celebration of loving my body and feeling empowered to be myself.

So, for two years, I studied nutrition and started feeding my body foods that would honour it; I spent hours reframing my thinking so that I could truly feel love for my body from the inside out; I did some laser hair removal (yes it is true, I did!); I went to Boot camp for getting in shape; you name it, I think I’ve done it.

Now, here we are in the summer of 2008, and guess what my nude photoshoot is scheduled for this Wednesday!

And you’ll never believe this….

I magically manifested a poison-ivy like rash on my legs!

At first I thought, this is a MISTAKE, a BIG MISTAKE! How could this happen?

I’d been preparing to step into this grander version of myself, I’d been doing everything I could think of to fully embody the vision I had for myself. And I don’t remember this rash being part of my vision.

I labeled this situation as ‘a mistake’ because it seemed wrong.

As I was thinking about it, long and hard, wondering if I should cancel the photoshoot and reschedule it for when the rash heals, I started laughing, almost hysterically! Because suddenly I got the perfection of the situation.

I had been preparing myself to love my body and celebrate being myself, and here I am, with a rash on my legs. I suddenly realized in order to fully step into myself, I have to step into who I am now and embody it completely, without trying to change it or think it should be different.

This is the perfect celebration of myself. This is exactly what I had been preparing for I just didn’t know it would look like this. What I thought was a mistake was actually a diamond sparkling with perfection.

When you truly expand into the evolved version of yourself, there are new ways of perceiving things.

That “incorrect idea, and error in judgment” takes on a whole new experience when you truly grow.

My two years of preparation really did pay off, because I am now stepping into the celebration of who I am, as I am.

This is the perfect mistake.

Think of a situation in your life, that you have labeled as a ‘mistake’ and find the diamond in the situation. It is there, I promise you!
