Laüra Hollick | Meet the Divine Masculine

Meet the Divine Masculine

February 26, 2017

With all the focus on the Divine Feminine these days, what about the Divine Masculine?

As much as I love exploring the Divine Feminine (I’ve birthed an entire Yoni Art Project in devotion to the Divine Feminine. See my Yoni Personality Quiz to know what I’m talking about), I know we are not whole without our man.  And, I don’t mean a boyfriend, I mean the energy of the Divine Masculine. The Divine Masculine is the compliment, balance and partner to the Divine Feminine.

I used to think I had to cultivate my feminine wiles to attract a man to create balance, structure and support in my life.

My entire perspective changed dramatically when I was approached by photographer Melanie Gillis to participate in her Animus Project.  She was photographing women as women, and women as men. The project intrigued me creatively, but I had no idea the deeper impact it would have on my life.

I always thought the Divine Masculine was someone I’d meet on the outside. I had no idea he was actually someone I’d meet on the inside.

Meet my Divine Masculine…

Yes, both of these photos are me, one as a Woman and one as a Man.

Meeting my man through this creative embodiment opened my heart to the awe and power of Man!

Melanie coached me to dig deep to find my Inner Man, feel his body posture, feel his cock, think his thoughts and enter his world.

In the process of doing this, I learned a lot about masculine energy and how much power he brings to my life.

I’ve turned to my Inner Divine Masculine as a guide and partner ever since. He helps me birth my dreams in reality and feel the full range of pleasure in my life.

With all the inner work I’ve done, and continue to do, I have manifested a Divine Masculine on the outside that matches the qualities I’ve cultivated on the inside. (Love you, Kevin Thom!)

If you want to empower your Divine Feminine cultivate your Inner Divine Masculine.

You’ll discover a whole new level of balance and stability swooping in to support you, not just from the outside, but from the deepest places within.

7 ways to cultivate your Inner Divine Masculine

1. Stand up for yourself

Practice using your voice to speak your truth and say what you feel is right and true. Standing up for yourself takes a spine. My inner Divine Masculine has a strong spine and he is always ready to take a stand for me and use his voice to honor my truth and wisdom.

Cultivate your Inner Divine Masculine: How can you stand up for yourself?


2. Self Belief

Being cocky isn’t just physical, it is an attitude that says “I can do it!”.  My Inner Divine Masculine taught me to be confident, believe in myself, and be bold and ballsy. Sometimes you just have to go for it with full gusto!

Cultivate your Inner Divine Masculine: Where can you infuse an “I can do it” attitude in your life?


3. Structure

As a woman it is intoxicating to indulge in sensuality, creative flow and dream time. My Inner Divine Masculine showed me that my creativity flows like a river because it has structure and support.  He taught me to honor structure as a way to increase my creative flow.

Cultivate your Inner Divine Masculine: How can you create structure that supports your feminine flow?


4. Strength

Strength isn’t just about muscle, it is about the ability to do something challenging. My Inner Divine Masculine revealed a surprising pleasure to me. He guided me to grow through challenging experiences and build strength through commitment and devotion to going the distance. This kind of strength shimmers like a knight in shining armor.

Cultivate your Inner Divine Masculine: How can you move through a challenging situation?


5. Clarity

Getting what you want, requires knowing what you want. My Inner Divine Masculine taught me to get clear about my true desires. Clarity comes from traveling to the depth of yourself and claiming ownership of your core.

Cultivate your Inner Divine Masculine: What do you really want?


6. Action

Dreaming is important, but if those dreams are going to become reality, action is necessary.  My Inner Divine Masculine is like a black stallion ready to stride with remarkable vigor when given clear direction. He is eager to work his muscles and make magic happen!

Cultivate your Inner Divine Masculine: Where can you take action on your dreams?


7. Adore

Oh how he loves his woman!  The one thing that became blazingly clear to me when connecting with my Inner Divine Masculine is how head over heels in love he is with his woman. He would do anything for her. He thinks she is the most beautiful, stunning creature that ever existed.  My Inner Divine Masculine has taught me to adore myself, appreciate my beauty and give myself the loving attention I desire.

Cultivate your Inner Divine Masculine: How can you completely adore yourself?


How do you feel about connecting with your Divine Masculine?

Do you have any other practices for connecting with your Inner Divine Masculine?

Post your thoughts on the Divine Masculine in the comments below.

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