Laüra Hollick | In the womb of Soul Art Studio

In the womb of Soul Art Studio

December 9, 2012
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I feel pregnant with nü visions and ideas as we are in the process of re-branding the WHOLE Business. Soul Art Studio is evolving in nü and exciting ways!

There are so many powerful creative energies stirring right now as we are approaching the nü year.

It feels like being pregnant with possibilities.

‘nü womb’ Laüra Hollick pregnant with nü visions. Bodypainting by Sue Upton. Photo by Kevin Thom.

To prepare for the nü birth we will be closing the Soul Art Store on December 31st.

This means everything in the store is 33% off until the store closes on the 31st!

Soul Art Store

Now is the time to start that journey you’ve had your eye on.

Get the love and guidance you need to Birth Your Dreams with a Soul Art Journey!

Soul Art Store

Start a Soul Art Journey today!

