Laüra Hollick | 11 Movie Hints

11 Movie Hints

September 8, 2013


My nü movie is in the final stages of production, getting ready to be released to you very soon!

It is my most creative, innovative, risky, involved project to date.

Since it is coming out very soon I wanted to give you some hints so you can start to lean into the magic of it and prepare your energy for this transformational experience.

11 Movie Hints

1. Magic is a key ingredient.
Magic leads and informs the creative process and sets the bar for what is possible.


2. There are 7 nü Icons cast in the movie
Each of the 7 nü Icons share different stories and perspectives on what it means to be Iconic!


3. The movie guides you through a journey.
You’ll be guided through a journey to connect with your own Iconic Essence.


4. Money as Spiritual Teacher.
The movie guides you to a nü perspective and experience of money so you can truly empower your dreams in our financial reality.


5. The Rainbow makes its appearance.
Every color of the rainbow is expressed in the movie to ensure a holistic journey!


6. It is a transformational experience.
You can expect to be transformed by this movie experience!


7. Time is an element.
With our modern viewing habits, time was consciously considered in the creation of this movie. We’ll be playing with time in nü ways.


8. Nature is one of the Guides.
The movie includes epic nature to guide and inspire the movie journey.


9. This movie has been in the works for over 10 years!
The ideas for this movie have been incubating and processing for over a decade. Only now is the team and technology available to make it happen.


10. It’s risky!
There were a lot of risks taken to make this movie possible.


11. You are a Star in the movie!
Yes, the movie is designed so YOU are included. In fact the movie isn’t complete until YOU are in it.  This is where the innovation comes in!


Looking forward to sharing this magical movie experience with you!

Movie Release Dates will be announced soon!


