Laüra Hollick | Creativity & the Female Orgasm

Creativity & the Female Orgasm

January 29, 2017

A fully expressed woman is an orgasmic woman.

When a woman expresses herself creatively she is listening to her primal pulse and following its lead into the wild unknown.   She is allowing herself to trust what is within her rather than relaying on what is outside of her.

When a woman liberates her creative expression she liberates her life-force energy. When a woman’s life-force energy is strong and vibrant, her capacity for orgasm increases.

From a more scientific point of view, the clitoris, also known as a woman’s pleasure center, has over 8,000 nerve endings specifically designed for pleasure.  What is fascinating about this is….

Each woman’s clitorial nerve structure is as unique as a fingerprint.

This means there is a unique sacred geometry mapping each woman’s orgasmic potential. This means she must learn to travel her unique map. This means she must relay on her own creativity to guide her. No one else can tell her exactly how to orgasm, because each woman’s map is unique.  She has to discover her uniqueness for herself.

The art of mapping your uniqueness is a creative practice.

When a woman expresses herself creatively she is  learning how to travel her unique map. She is learning how to follow the clues of her intuition and trust her impulse. She is strengthening her inner well-spring and tapping into the fountain of her unique fertility and beauty.

Knowing how important and powerful creative expression is for women, why would a woman ever hinder her creative capacity?

I’ve put together a list of reasons, why women don’t honor and cultivate their creativity, which ultimately squeezes off their orgasmic potential again and again.

10 reasons why women block their creativity & their orgasm

  1. Fear of the unknown
  2. Comparison to others
  3. Numbness and disembodiment
  4. Self-doubt
  5. Self-loathing
  6. Seeking validation externally
  7. Ignore intuition and inner voice
  8. Hide or manipulate the truth
  9. Caught in mental loops
  10. Allowing others to set the tone for their life

I think it would be fair to say we all experience some of these at different times in our lives.  We’re human, that’s okay.  So the bigger question is, what can we do about it?

How can we empower our creative capacity and increase our orgasmic potential?

A creatively expressed woman has the inner strength and power to map her uniqueness and trust herself. She learns how to shift from victim-mode to self-belief by honoring what is unique within her. You can start strengthening this within yourself with these 4 powerful practices.

4 Powerful Practices for Women to Cultivate their Creativity & Orgasmic Potential

1. The Art of Listening

The Art of Listening is the practice of tuning into yourself and noticing the subtle shifts in your energy. Being able to notice and recognize how you think and feel is at the base of all creative expression and the root of every orgasm. Practice listening to yourself right now. Take a moment, close your eyes, tune in, notice, listen. What is happening within you?


2. The Art of Speaking Your Truth

As you listen within yourself you’ll become more and more clear about what you like, what you don’t like, what is important to you, and what your want to express. You’ll also become increasingly aware of the direction you’re being guided. The Art of Speaking Your Truth is the practice of honoring what you hear within yourself and expressing it out in the world.  This means, when you feel something you acknowledge it. This means when you think something, you create safety for yourself to voice it. All creative expression is the brave, bold act of speaking your truth. Every orgasm is the result of a woman letting her unique expression vibrate through her.  Practice speaking your truth right now, when you listen within yourself, what wants to be expressed?


3. The Art of Risk

Being creative is a risk. Creative expression is a voyage into the unknown, guided by your desire and inner impulse. The same is true for orgasm. Every orgasm is a journey guided by your unique pleasure. The Art of Risk is about being willing to trust yourself enough to go in the direction of your inner impulse and pleasure.   Try this right now, what do you desire in your life?  Are you willing to risk moving in that direction? What is one thing you could do right now, probably a little risky, that would move you deeper into your desires?


4. The Art of Bounty

Cultivating your creativity and orgasmic potential is rooted in the soil of bounty. There is the innate knowing that creativity can never dry up, and orgasm is a natural state of being. There isn’t a limited supply of creativity or orgasm.  However, in a culture filled with marketing that enhances lack and “not enough” psychology, it is even more important to practice The Art of Bounty. The best way to expand your awareness of bounty is to  notice where you are bountiful. Take a moment right now and make a list of the bounty in your life.  Where do you experience abundance? For example, you are breathing right now, and there is an abundance of air. Perhaps you have a rich imagination and feel the bounty of ideas. Perhaps you have a lot of beautiful clothes, perhaps you have a lot of wonderful friends, etc.. Where are you bountiful?


Creativity & the Female Orgasm are intricately linked. As you strengthen your creative capacity you increase your orgasmic potential!

Want to explore this more deeply?

Check out my Yoni Art Course.  It is a 4-week creative journey to express the soul of your yoni. Throughout this course you’ll learn how to navigate your unique pleasure map and cultivate the courage to express yourself fully.

A fully expressed woman is an orgasmic woman!

I’m curious how you feel about this.  Are you expressing yourself creatively and experiencing increased orgasms?  Are you blocked creatively and blocked in your orgasms?
Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Empower a woman to claim her creative capacity (and orgasmic potential).
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