Laüra Hollick | The Rainbow House – Part 2

The Rainbow House – Part 2

April 2, 2017

The Rainbow House Project is an inspirational tale of an old, run-down house receiving a healing through the transformational power of art.

I filmed a Facebook Live this week to share the old house and give a glimpse into my studio where I’m working on the art.

I’ve been watching this house get worse and worse over the years, until eventually it reached the state you see it in today. This house is directly across the street from my studio, which felt like an eyesore to my psyche. It made me sad and embarrassed every time I looked at it (which was basically every day!).

I decided to put my creative mind to work and explore ways to elevate this house from a sad, neglected, old, run-down shack to a fertile space for creative possibilities.

I had a vision of the house being cocooned in a rainbow afghan while it heals and prepares for its next expression.

Once the vision landed, I organized the logistical details to make this happen and off to work I went.

I’ve been painting up a storm in my studio in preparation for this house transformation!

There are 44 panels of painted rainbow colors that will cover the house.

I’m using oriented strand board (OSB) with exterior paint. Each panel is 4×4 feet.

Each painted panel is a creative meditation for me. I start my creative process by anointing each panel with essential oils and setting my intentions for healing and transformation.

Although I’m painting these rainbow panels for this house, I feel as though I’m creating this art to serve a much bigger purpose. There are so many pockets of our world, and within ourselves, that need healing at this time.

Each painting is a creative Reiki session re-aligning the energies to creativity, beauty and love.

Painting is a blissful state for me. I drop into a trance with the colors as they move, dance, swirl and shape-shift from one state of being to another.

In the process of painting all these rainbow panels I was reminded that a palette a day keeps the doctor away!

There is so much health and vitality that is awakened when our creative energy is free to move and express.

I am so excited about this Rainbow House Project for the sheer pleasure of the process and for the rich symbolism it carries.

The plan is to install the art this week, weather permitting. I will keep you posted on the progress of this Rainbow House.

The Rainbow House is a symbol for a much bigger healing that our world is calling for at this time.

If you’ve seen spaces that need healing in your neighborhood, share this post, you don’t have to make a Rainbow House yourself, just planting the seed of seeing things in a new way opens our hearts for healing and transformation.

Let me know what you think of this Rainbow House Project, write your thoughts in the comments below.

Share the Rainbow House – Part 2 with your friends and community. Be part of the global healing on our planet!
