Laüra Hollick | Behind the Scenes: Making The Artist

Behind the Scenes: Making The Artist

June 30, 2018

Every creative process starts with a spark of inspiration.

When I created the Creative Archetype Quiz I started by dreaming into each archetype and imagining unique ways to express and embody their core characteristics.

The Artist Archetype started with headdress made of paintbrushes. It felt like a Crown of Creativity.  From there I knew I wanted to include a lot of color and brushstrokes.

Watch this behind the scenes video to see the making of the Artist Archetype….

There is something to be learned from each archetype in the Creative Archetype quiz. 

There are 5 Archetypes included in the Creative Archetype quiz: The Artist, The Healer, The Muse, The Visionary and The Shamana.

With the focus on The Artist Archetype for this behind the scenes video, I’m curious…

What qualities or character traits do you feel best describe The Artist?

Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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