Laüra Hollick | Turtle Medicine

Turtle Medicine

July 14, 2018

Did I tell you I started a painting to get a channeled message for you?

On Soul Art Day, I set the intention to create a painting that would offer a channeled message for you and our global community of Creative Spirits.

Want to know what happened with that painting?

Watch this beautiful video to find out how the painting evolved with some waterfalls mists and turtle medicine…

The day after Soul Art Day, I went to one of my favorite waterfalls with Leah Guzman, Devon Walz, and Jane Cormack for a Water Ceremony led by Q’Orianka, an Incan Priestess from Peru.

In our Water Ceremony, we offered our prayers and gratitude to Mother Earth, and all the people who participated in International Soul Art Day.  It was incredible to feel the waterfall mists blessing the wishes and dreams that were awakened within all the people who created with us on Soul Art Day.

Infused with waterfall mists I was ready to keep painting.

Now, I’ve reached a point in the painting where I have 2 questions for you:



This painting is created with you in mind.  What you think matters.

Please share your thoughts about these questions in the comments below.

1) What does water mean to you?

2) What does water mean to you in connection with the Divine Feminine?


Your thoughts will help the creative process continue.

Thank you for sharing!

Watch for the final video on July 22nd to see the completed painting along with the channeled messages for you.


Inspire someone today! Share “Turtle Medicine” with your creative friends.

