Laüra Hollick | 10 worry-free ways to deal with the unknown

10 worry-free ways to deal with the unknown

January 19, 2019

As the tides of our time start shifting with the currents of change, we are called to enter the unknown.

The unknown is a natural place for artists, adventurers and seekers. It is a place where magic happens and the divine partners with us to co-create dreams into reality.

The unknown can also be a scary place filled with uncertainty.  It is unpredictable and holds no guarantee (or your money back).  The unknown calls us into the present moment and forces us to change, adapt, and evolve into the next best version of ourselves.

Recently, I found myself in a pit of worry.

I was spiraling with fear of the unknown.

Suddenly, I hit a snag and was caught in rolling laughter, the kind of laughter that strains your belly muscles like a good pilates workout.

My body was shaking with a deep primal rumble and I felt giddy with release.

I was laughing so hard because I saw the comedy of my situation.

As an artist, I love and trust the unknown.  I have experienced some of the most profound spiritual moments while entering the unknown.  To find myself worrying made me realize I needed to bridge the lessons I’d learned as an artist into my everyday life.

So, I wrote a list of the 10 worry-free ways to deal with the unknown….



10 worry-free ways to deal with the unknown


1. Cultivate your creativity

Creativity is all about not-knowing the answers and exploring possibilities. Find simple and fun ways to get creative. Cultivating your creativity will build your strength to be with the unknown in pleasurable ways.


2. Imagination reigns supreme

Imagination is a spiritual muscle that lets us see things that don’t exist yet. It is one of the main ingredients for transforming dreams into reality.  Employ your imagination to conjure up all kinds of amazing scenarios and let the inspiration of your imagination reign supreme. You can learn more about how to do this in Create Your Best Future Now.


3. Quality zzzzzzz….

Sleep, glorious sleep. When you’re well rested, you are better equipped to deal with life in positive ways. Find ways to support quality sleep. Some of the things I do to have the best sleep ever:
My bedroom is a technology free zone. It is completely dark when the lights are out. I have a magnetic mattress with an earthing mat on top for grounding (this feels amazing).  I unwind before I go to sleep with journaling and rituals so my heart and mind are free to rest.

Find your own methods to support quality sleep.


4. Make a list of concerns

Don’t avoid the things that stress you out, seek to understand them. Make a list of your worries and concerns.  This isn’t permission to wallow in issues, but rather to clear them from your system with loving respect. Go through each of your concerns to explore what you can do to support yourself. Seek ways to offer loving support to yourself and be willing to learn new skills so you can grow through your concerns.


5. Update your belief systems

Often worries are connected to outdated beliefs rooted in fear.  It takes a solid foundation of love and trust to enter the unknown with ease.  Become conscious of the things you do that come from fear and do your due diligence to shift your foundation to love.



6. Increase your joy factor

Make it a top priority to find out what lights you up and makes your soul sing. Find ways to include the things that make you happy in your daily life.  If you’ve got a “joy deficiency,” you’ll be completely depleted and the unknown will feel like a terror zone. When you give yourself permission to fill your cup with things that bring you joy, the unknown starts to feel like an amazing adventure.


7. Laugh your head off

A good laugh is the best medicine. Shake up your innards with a funny movie, a mischievous games, or whatever touches your funny bone. It helps loosen the bonds of fear and as Taylor Swift sings, “Shake it off.”


8. Be in your body

As soon as you become aware of your body, you enter the present moment. In the present moment you have access to divine intelligence. Most people disembody and spin around in their head when they are fearful of the unknown. Get in your body, and you’ll instantly feel different, you’ll be more present.  Some things I love to do to get in my body: go for a hike, dry brush massage, singing sound vibrations through my body, take a sauna, snuggle time with my sweetie, etc…

What can you do to be in your body?


9. Appreciate what you’ve got

Appreciation and gratitude have been proven to instantly boost your mood. Try it for yourself, and you’ll see that it works.

Not only is appreciation a mood booster, it is also something that makes you look at what you’ve got. Rather than focusing on what you don’t have and what you don’t know, you can relish in what you do have and what you have experienced. This builds your confidence and sense of safety which makes the unknown feel like a welcome guest.


10. Weed distractions, nourish flowers

Clean up the things that are pulling you out of the game and get clear about what actually matters to you. The things that matter are the flowers of your life. Guard them, protect them, and nourish them. Everything else is a weed. Clear out the unnecessary stuff so there is lots of room for your gorgeous flowers to grow and dazzle you with how beautiful they can be.




I’d love to hear from you….

What did you learn from this post that can help you in your life?

What are some worry-free ways you deal with the unknown?

Share in the comments below.


Help a stressed-out friend. Share the 10 worry-free ways to deal with the unknown!

