Laüra Hollick | A Love Prayer for Social Media

A Love Prayer for Social Media

March 2, 2019

Your heart has a magnetic field.

When you are connected with love, your magnetic field radiates a beautiful power.

When low-vibe thoughts and feelings cloud over your heart, the brilliance of your love dims.

One of the most common places people feel a blend of heart expansion and heart contraction is on social media.

Social media offers a full buffet of thoughts, images and ideas that can conjure a plethora of feelings like comparison, jealousy, anger, inspiration, joy, fear, worry, kindness, resentment, bitterness, judgement, etc…

The way you experience social media reflects in the state of your magnetic field.

I created a simple love prayer for you to read before going on social media to bring consciousness to your magnetic field so your social media experience can be one that expands your love rather than clouding it.

A Love Prayer for Social Media

May I be conscious of my own energy and take responsibility for the state of my being.

May I use the power of my attention in ways that nourish me.

May I seek stories that feed my soul and grow my life.

May I know the difference between comparing and being inspired.

May I release myself from the emptiness of coveting.

May I deepen into the power of my love and share what overflows from my heart.

May I give myself permission to love my life.

May I honor my successes with a happy heart.

May I celebrate the successes of others with a peaceful heart.

May I recognize we all have a place in the ecosystem.

May I appreciate all the ways love is supporting me.

May I understand that true success comes from showing up for my life.

May I heal the wounds of my past so my present perspective is not clouded by outdated ideas.

May I remember to breathe in sync with my heart’s opening as I scroll through social media.

May I be a role model for love.

Use your favorite prayer line as your mantra this week. 


I’d love to hear from you!  Share in the comments below….

  • What is your favorite line in this Love Prayer for Social Media?
  • What is a line you would add to the Love Prayer for Social Media?


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