
Christina Morassi

I am learning to live my life by Pussy. She is my guide. My muse. And she made this art.

I originally envisioned making a digital collage for this project that may have taken DAYS. But no…. Instead SHE elegantly worked her magic in a mere 20 minutes.

It began with a weekend adventure to snow as a holiday gift from my boyfriend, finding a lovely walk along the vista of Pinecrest lake in California, the twinkling laughter of kids nearby, the perfect canvas of snow at the base of a tree, the pleasurable bite of cold fingers and toes, and a patient and willing man happy to hunt for twigs & pine cones & needles for his woman.

It was a divinely elegant confluence of ease!

I may be no trained artist. But Pussy? She pulsates in the divine flow of creation, forever in cosmic collaboration, seducing the world to her beck and call. And this is her Yoni Art…. Natural, Wild, Powerful, & Elegant.

Yoni Art by Christina Morassi

About Christina Morassi


Christina Morassi is a successful healer-turned-coach blessed to say she achieved the entrepreneurial dream. She reached the high 6-figures helping women in 27 countries find their Ecstatic Brands, created big 3-day live events, and along with her community, raised $25K to sponsor a village in Africa for 5 years.

It was AMAZING! And… She was exhausted from being in man-mode all the time and following other people’s templates to success. So 2 years ago she pulled the plug on her successful business, created a pleasure makeover for herself, and now turns her attention to coaching other successful women entrepreneurs access their feminine power in business, fueling their businesses by Pleasure Power vs. Willpower, and becoming thriving PleasureCEO’s.



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