
Laüra Hollick

Whenever I need to ground myself or center my energy I start drawing Yonis! As women, our creative power moves through the sacred gateway of our Yoni. Whenever I feel off center, I know I am not rooted in my creative power, and I must journey back home. This Yoni Art painting was created during a Shamanic Soul Art Vision Quest to deepen the roots of my creative capacity and come home to my true power.

Yoni Art by Laüra Hollick

About Laüra Hollick


Laüra Hollick is an award-winning artist, founder of Soul Art Studio, and the creator of this Yoni Art Project. BRAVO TV created a documentary about Laüra’s art and life called ‘The Artist’s Life- Laüra Hollick.’ She has hosted and produced over 500 radio shows for 93.3 FM CFMU called ‘The Artist’s Lifestyle.’ Her TEDx talk called ‘You are the Art’ received rave reviews. Laüra is known as a midwife for the soul and inspires audiences around the world with her weekly ‘Pure Inspiration’ Newsletter, and her global creative projects like International Soul Art Day, The Global Vision Quest and the nü Icon Movie.



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